4 Tips to Start Off Your Coding Journey

Ibrahim Din
Nov 5, 2020

I am a little over a month into Web Development Course and the following tips might be useful when you begin your journey.

  1. Code Everyday
    To learn any new skill you need repetition and consistency. Commit at least 1 hour every day and gradually build on it. Eventually, it becomes a habit and you won’t feel any resistance in getting yourself to work on the assignment/project that you need to submit.
  2. Take Your Time
    I remember feeling frustrated because I was stuck on an assignment and just wanted to skip ahead. But I was advised not to and to take my time in learning the basics before moving to more complex concepts. And this played a monumental role in my learning. Remember you are not competing with others but yourself.
  3. Try Before You Seek
    Before you seek help from others, it's important that you have given the problem its fair share of time. We all love quick fixes but there is great learning potential in trying to figure it out on your own. It will help clarify your concepts and build confidence to tackle future problems.
  4. Reach out
    Reach out to your instructor/friends for help if you have been stuck on a problem for too long. Asking for help does not mean that you are not cut out for this journey. It will give you a fresh perspective on the problem you are working on. And most importantly, make note of it and backtrace how you got stuck and how you could have resolved it.

Last but not least — Don't give up. You got this!

